New poll + MakingOf results
Earlier in the week we posted about Hesher, a new film project that Natalie has her sights on. The IMDB is now listing it on Natalie's page and says that…
All The News
Earlier in the week we posted about Hesher, a new film project that Natalie has her sights on. The IMDB is now listing it on Natalie's page and says that…
Natalie was spotted by the paparazzi last month in LA trying to remain incognito under a hoodie and Ray Bans while heading to her car. The source claims she was…
Tidbits don't wait for nuthin'. Not even Easter. - Brief mention of Natalie and pooch shopping at an Apple store in Santa Monica. - A new makeup "inspired by Natalie".…
A month ago this would have been considered a really close result, but compared to recent match ups this is actually quite a comfortable victory. Like with the last match…
Leading on from Tuesday’s PSA appearance, now the Metro has a message from Natalie about the Rwandan genocide.
The year 1994 should have gone down in history as the year when hope and equality triumphed over oppression and racial division.
But, as the world celebrated the end of apartheid, elsewhere on the continent a genocide was about to commence. About 1million Rwandans were murdered and the international community chose to ignore it.
But ordinary people showed remarkable courage and resilience in the face of total despair. Now, 15 years later, it is that courage which has paved a new path for Rwanda.
On May 1st there's going to be a big auction for 200 life sized wax figures made by the guys that do the sculptures for the Hollywood Wax Museum. One…
Just a thought that's admittedly a bit late, but it might be nice to have some Easter themed fanart for the weekend. *nudge nudge*
Silversurfer is back and this time he's paying homage to Battlestar Galactica and (I think) Gossip Girls: