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More Eve

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Amo pointed out another Eve clip that includes some footage from the Venice panel as well as some scenes from the film. I'm pretty sure we posted this last year…

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Nat in 3D

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I think its safe to say that, when Brothers is finally released, we'll probably not be seeing the drama in 3D like Monsters vs Aliens and Coraline. It's then pretty…

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More on the non existant love triangle

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Rachel has found another piece of gossipy BS about Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and that harpy, Natalie Portman. If its like this now can you imagine what it’ll be like once filming starts. I hope they don’t plan to shoot on location, because a snap of Brad and Nat kissing (even for a scene) will be like Christmas for the tabloids.

The following is courtesy of FemaleFirst.

Angelina Jolie is jealous of Natalie Portman.

The ‘Changeling’ star reportedly flew into a rage with partner Brad Pitt – with whom she raises six children – after learning the ‘Closer’ actress had personally asked for him to play her older lover in a new movie.

A source said: “Angelina had a massive fit and was shouting her head off. She accused Brad of flirting with Natalie.

“Angelina can’t help but feel threatened. Brad knows how jealous she gets but won’t stop saying how gorgeous and intelligent Natalie is. He keeps saying she is ‘cute as a button.’ “


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A little reminder that Natalie will be appearing at the Apple Store in Soho on April 24th, to talk about her web project, MakingOf. Now Fanatical has found a couple…

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Wow. Again.

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At the time of writing, the current pic battle match up is exactly even with 354 votes each. I'm going to give it exactly 5 minutes after this update and…

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