Pic Battle Wages On
Just a reminder that if you haven't voted yet, there's just one day remaining in the hunt for the last finalist appearance. Currently there are exactly 50 votes separating the…
All The News
Just a reminder that if you haven't voted yet, there's just one day remaining in the hunt for the last finalist appearance. Currently there are exactly 50 votes separating the…
Anne Hathaway is no stranger to bigging up Natalie, so this latest tidbit, from New York Summer Guide's article on Anne, is far from a surprise. Remembering the Academy Awards…
I've added three new-old photos of Natalie at the V for Vendetta London premiere after party to the gallery.
Nice to see some more opinions on Natalie’s writing and directing debut. A couple days ago we had one positive and one negative review from its screening at the short film festival in Toronto. Today we have 3 more.
Toronto Screen Shorts was quite enthusiastic:
I thought Bacall brought a real sense of gravitas to the proceedings, even as her character rather shallowly pursues Gazzara for his money. Thirlby was also strong as a serious young woman looking for some answers. Portman was wise to keep the story small and tightly-focussed, and her direction is anything but showy. Sufjan Stevens’ piano score added another layer of class. (8/10)
Movie Moxie was a bit mixed:
Exploring the faces we hide behind and from, tempered by nostalgia and loss we find ourselves riding alongside a third wheel in a day between grandmother and granddaughter. I enjoyed the blending and awareness the two had of each others lifestyles and habits, however the repeated attempts and deflection from a real connection kept the tone unfulfilled.
It's grainy as hell, but we have the very first press still from Natalie's short in New York, I Love You:
I poke fun at it, but I do think its sweet and kinda cool that so many young celebs look up to Natalie (must...resist...height...joke...), with the latest being Miley Cyrus'…
Sean Penn has been dropping out of projects recently, seemingly clearing up his calendar. Why? Because Natalie broke his heart of course! From Fame Crawler... Rumor #1 - Sean filed…
RIP, Cannes. Okay, so my favourite appearance is out, but I'll live. It could hardly have been much Closer (pun intended), but the majority have spoken. Next up, David vs…