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More Eve Reviews

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Nice to see some more opinions on Natalie’s writing and directing debut. A couple days ago we had one positive and one negative review from its screening at the short film festival in Toronto. Today we have 3 more.

Toronto Screen Shorts was quite enthusiastic:

I thought Bacall brought a real sense of gravitas to the proceedings, even as her character rather shallowly pursues Gazzara for his money. Thirlby was also strong as a serious young woman looking for some answers. Portman was wise to keep the story small and tightly-focussed, and her direction is anything but showy. Sufjan Stevens’ piano score added another layer of class. (8/10)

Movie Moxie was a bit mixed:

Exploring the faces we hide behind and from, tempered by nostalgia and loss we find ourselves riding alongside a third wheel in a day between grandmother and granddaughter. I enjoyed the blending and awareness the two had of each others lifestyles and habits, however the repeated attempts and deflection from a real connection kept the tone unfulfilled.


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Semi Final 2

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RIP, Cannes. Okay, so my favourite appearance is out, but I'll live. It could hardly have been much Closer (pun intended), but the majority have spoken. Next up, David vs…

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