All The News


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You know the drill... - This National Review Online piece on Chesa Boudin, presents his having dated Natalie as a fact. Boudin is the son of two Weather Underground members,…

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She Lives!

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It's not much but CelebrityPuke has a new image of Natalie walking down Hollywood Blvd. last night. Hopefully we'll get more from the set later...or maybe I should be careful…

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NP.COMic #46

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You know how we have old new pics. Pics that were taken a long time ago but haven’t been seen until now? Well the new NP.COMic is along those lines. I had an idea last year, which was sparked by this election PSA. Of course we didn’t have the NP.COMic at that time but the idea has kept bugging me.

So, to get it out of my system, enjoy the new (but old) NP.COMic.

For reasons that will become obvious after viewing the strip, I am currently unable to get it into the comics gallery. Will have to come up with a plan.

As for the draw for the fan strip… (more…)

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