All The News


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Commeth the hour, commeth the man.

As mentioned last week, June was pretty brutal. That is until Chris made one of the biggest donations we’ve ever gotten. He almost single handedly saved the month, and for that I am incredibly thankful. In fact, I’m considering tossing this whole Natalie Portman thing and turning the site into a shrine for Chris. But I’ll sleep on it.

Chris emailed me to say that the donation was just that, and he didn’t need to be included in the draw for the next fan comic. But we also got a donation from Stephen, whose name IS going into the draw (4 times!). Right now, I think his is the only name in there. We’re still a few weeks away from the next draw, but it doesn’t hurt to get in there early 😛

Once again, for every $5 donation your name will go into that draw and the winner will get as much (or as little) input into the next comic strip as they want.


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Nat Attends Aziz Standup

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Last night Natalie checked out comedian Aziz Ansari’s stand up act. I only know him from the “why the hell do I watch this show” Parks and Recreation, although he’s probably about the best thing about it.

How do we know she was there? Once again Twitter comes to the party.

Was there anyone there that didn’t tweet about her? Poor Aziz.

– holy crap, natalie portman was at the aziz ansari taping?? wtf?

– tonight ive been served food by Pixi [LA Ink], said “hey” to Weird Al, and got a $100 bill from Aziz Ansari sighned by Natalie Portman.

– i just learned that natalie portman was at aziz ansari’s show tonight. i missed my chance to take her as my wife.

– great show tonight man.even if it sucked we couldve just looked at natalie portman all night.u really do have it all figured out

– I love twitter: looks like everyone in my row tweeted as soon as Natalie Portman was seated in front of us.


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More Google

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Got a few more things relating to yesterday’s update about Natalie and Google. I pretty much hate Twitter, but I have to admit that its pretty handy for hearing about events like the one at Google, or even just random Natalie sightings.

Here are some unedited tweets from the event.

-Natalie Portman @ Google! She is sooooooo cute

-natalie portman was at google today… when asked to rap, she first made sure there weren’t any kids and then quote lil kim, her “fav”

-omg Natalie Portman was @ TGIF asked why Sergey was barefoot on stage LOL definitely 1 of my best moments in Goog on par w/ Obama’s visit

-Natalie Portman showed up at Google today. Apparently she hates emoticons.

-Just saw Natalie Portman talk about her new site she was hilariously awkward (and high?)

After the jump, a couple new pics. (more…)

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Two Vids

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Spoonbat found two videos from old public events. The first is from the Obama rally in Cincinnati last year, and features Whiz doing a freak out (was probably pro McCain)…

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