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NP.COMic #47

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I spoke a bit about the new comic yesterday, so I'll just add that I think it came out pretty well. This is the second fan comic and I really…

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Food Tidbits

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It's all about the munchies today. - US Weekly spotted Nat having dinner with the parentals. Before she flew out to the UK, I take it. Natalie Portman dining with…

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New Poll + Brothers Trailer Results

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I was going to do a new poll last night but decided to hold off a day in the hope that something worth polling would turn up. So thank you, Top Chef! Like Project Runway, it’s a quality competitive reality show, and should make for a nice appearance.

But what do you think?

After the jump are the results of the Brothers trailer poll. Opinions on the film are optimistic but the trailer itself got mixed reviews. (more…)

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