All The News

Natalie is in…

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...Paris! I just got a message from Melody, our wonderful former staff member, who says that a friend of hers saw Natalie in the Rose Bakery this morning. Parisians, keep…

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Over at the MTV Blog they're talking about Robert Rodriguez's upcoming film, Machete, and its epic cast of c list celebrities. They reckon its going to be a lot of…

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Gallery Updates

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Just in case you forgot what Natalie looks like, I've uploaded some vintage Nat photos to the gallery. I replaced one watermarked picture in the Tibetan Freedom Concert gallery, added…

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New Actress List

  • Post author: do a poll that studies the commercial and critical success of young actress in the previous 12 months. Strangely, despite an incredibly quiet last year and a half, Natalie…

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AnnaSophia Robb

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The young actress from Willy Wonka, Return To Witch Mountain and the surprisingly good Bridge To Terebitha, joins the ever expanding list of young actresses that look up to Natalie.…

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New Poll + Friends With Benefits Results

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Since we got some more info about 17 Photos Of Isabel, along with the first official photos from the film, I thought it would be an idea to check out the expectation levels for this film.

The New Isabel Poll

As for the previous poll, a 3rd of Nat fans are already planning where to put the Friends With Benefits poster on their wall, but a similar number think its too early to say one way or the other.

Results after the jump… (more…)

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