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Interview V5

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Haha, okay, hopefully this is the last one. Carlotto must be getting pretty tried of cleaning these things up. This latest version is a cleaned up no text version of…

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This collage from Thierry features not only Nat but Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson. Enjoy!

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Interview V4

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Maybe I jumped the gun a bit. We now have ANOTHER version of the Interview cover. It's not as clean but it is big, and bigger is best right?

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Forum Banner

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We've updated the banner over at the forum. And by "we" I mean Rachel. "We" will next look into update the banner over here on the main site, although its…

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New Poll + Back Of Head Results

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Ok, its time for that mini pic battle. I think both covers are very nice, in completely different ways, so I’m interested to see how this one plays out.

Interview vs Another Magazine

As for the mystery of the Your Highness pic, most think its Natalie and only 3 are absolutely certain its not Natalie. One of those 3 is probably Vincenzo who mailed me this comparison today. Unfortunately, when you blow that image up its really hard to get a clear look at the ear to compare it.

Full results after the jump… (more…)

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Tasty Tidbits

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These two tidbits are, for a change, a little substantive. - Firstly, I've heard that the TIFF release that said that Natalie will attend the festival, is jumping the gun…

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Interview V3

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Carlotto has cleaned up the Interview cover even further, this time removing all the text. I'm sure many of you will be interested in this, the definitive version.

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