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TIFF Links

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Man, I’m just faced with a million links, so I’m going to try and pick out the most interesting ones for a bumper tidbits update.

Interview that touches on Roos and Kudrow being so tight:

Asked if she felt like an outsider at first, Portman answered, “They were very friendly, it’s not like they cut me out, like I was the new kid at school.”

“Oh, we made fun of her a lot, but behind her back,” Roos joked. “We’d watch her dailies and roar.”

– The NY Times isn’t too enamored with the film:

Mr. Roos overworks his material into a sudsy pulp. Most of the characters might be in need of therapy, but Mr. Roos’s screenplay has already been therapeuticized, with every angle, emotion, feeling spelled out.

– Really nice short interview with Natalie on the red carpet, just use the link on the right. (more…)

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Got a fault with my ADSL line (when it rains it pours) which is disconnecting me every minute or two. So the rest of the updates will have to wait…

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Edmonton Sun

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The Edmonton Sun has another article from yesterday, which has some of the same content from yesterday's article but a few new and memorable quotes. “It’s weird ’cause I feel…

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LOIP Premiere

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We've finally got the gallery up from last nights premiere. The gallery is a little disorganized but Rach will sort that out at a later stage.

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Busy Day Ahead

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If you were here a bit earlier you would have noticed the site was down. As mentioned on the weekend, we've been having some issues but the exact problem has…

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