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Server Update

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Okay, we now think its the HD that is at fault and causing the slow down. Right now we're backing up the site and once done we'll have the HD…

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Showing Hollywood How Its Done – #2

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Social experiment day 2. So last week you were tasked with coming up with the first first line of our fantasy film script. You guys chose…

“A young woman wakes up next to…”

Perverts! Nah, just kidding. Keeps things very open ended. It’s already better than Free Zone.

Now you need to add onto that. Again, kept things fairly vague as far as genre is concerned.

The Fantasy Film Poll #2

After the jump you can see the percentages of the round 1 voting. (more…)

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Miss Elliette

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This blog has a strange article on a Miss Elliette (the Coco Chanel of American fashion...apparently) movie being in development. At first it sounds like they're kinda fantasy casting it…

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