New Poll + Premiere Look Results
Prior to TIFF, Love and Other Impossible Pursuits was a bit of an unknown quantity. We did a poll in August about anticipation levels for the film and the winning option was “I’m going to need to see reviews or a trailer first”. Then when we asked for predictions as to how the film would be received at TIFF, almost half of you thought it would get “more good than bad” reviews, which is probably how it turned out.
Garcy, The Hollywood Reporter, LA Times and Variety were all very positive. That’s not to say it was all positive as Berardinelli and Hitflix would attest.
Now that we know a lot more about the film, I thought we could do another barometer on the expectation levels.
As for the last poll results, you can view them after the jump. Most of you loved her TIFF premiere appearance. Personally, I was a bit mixed on it at first but found it all looked so much better in videos of the event. Wasn’t quite as overpowering as it looked in pics. (more…)