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Natalie's MakingOf site has a clip up from the "New York, I Love You" short that she acts in. We've had it on the site before but some might have…

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Showing Hollywood How Its Done – #4 Results

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Okay, as mentioned, the poll is now closed. The winning paragraph has been added to the continuing synopsis and now you have the rest of the day to make suggestions for the next batch of roads that will fork out of where we are now.

A young woman wakes up next to nobody. All too aware of this fact, she hugs her pillow. Eventually she gets up and dispassionately goes through her morning routine.

Now dressed up, she approaches the front door. A post it note reads “Today”. She puts a trembling hand on the door knob but she can’t bring herself to turn it. She angrily pulls off the note and scrunches it up, before retreating from the door.

Full results after the jump. (more…)

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Rate Goya’s Ghosts + Comic Results

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It’s time to rate another Natalie film. Last time V for Vendetta surprised me by becoming the joint top rated Natalie film thus far. I’m pretty sure Goya won’t be able to match that but it’ll be interesting to see where it ends up.

Rate Goya’s Ghosts

The winner of our little np.comic poll was the recent Toilet Etiquette. Goes to show, if you want to bring the funny, go for the potty humour. Quite literally in this case 😛

Full results after the jump.

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