Gay Rights
Natalie, as is her mood at the moment, has signed a petition for a movement in support of gay rights. More than 80 entertainers and political figures including Julia Roberts,…
All The News
Natalie, as is her mood at the moment, has signed a petition for a movement in support of gay rights. More than 80 entertainers and political figures including Julia Roberts,…
New York, I Love You will open in 125 theaters on Friday. On the same day it opens in Spain and later this month Netherlands, Russia and South Korea will get the chance to check it out.
All of which leads to…
In the last poll, almost half of you were impressed by both of last weeks public appearances. But the ballet gala appearance had a bit more love on an individual basis. Results after the jump. (more…)
After today there are only 7 more wallpapers from Cansu.
Jutze's name is in the hat 10 times. Bill's name is in once. I'm about to do the draw and if Bill wins, Jutze should just go ahead and kill…
The extra voting days proved to be quite decisive. Our fantasy film synopsis is now looking a little something like…
A young woman wakes up next to nobody. All too aware of this fact, she hugs her pillow. Eventually she gets up and dispassionately goes through her morning routine.Now dressed up, she approaches the front door. A post it note reads “Today”. She puts a trembling hand on the door knob but she can’t bring herself to turn it. She angrily pulls off the note and scrunches it up, before retreating from the door.
Sarah has not left her house for 7 years. She has not seen another human being for the duration of that time. Every morning she goes to the door with every intention of opening it. But she never does.
The next round of options will be arriving later tonight, so if you have an idea please let me know in the comments section.
Full results after the jump. (more…)
Natalie's Top Chef appearance is rapidly approaching and I'm more than a little intrigued. The episode is titled "Meat Natalie" and now there's this: In two weeks we get Top…
Natalie's ex, musician Devendra Banhart, gives a little Natalie mention during this entertaining interview about his music videos. DB: Every video I've made has been a complete fucking mess of…
Another batch from Cansu. Remember, all these wallpapers are 1280x786.