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Project Clarification

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A little under two months ago we had an update about a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, Tracy Letts, who was writing an adaption of a “true crime story” for Natalie.

I assumed it was Isabella V but a source told me that it was something else. That something else was unknown…until now.

Super sleuth Spoonbat found the true identity of the project in this Hollywood Reporter article about new innovative ways to sell a project to studios.

More after the jump (more…)

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Brothers Review

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Gyllenbabble let me know that there is a new review of Brothers up over here. It's not technically "professional" but is nicely done all the same. It's the definition of…

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Top Chef

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For those who missed Natalie's appearance on last nights show, fear not, the interwebs are here to save the day. You can view the full episode over on youtube or…

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