All The News


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Catching up on some mini news items. - Nat likes Ray-Ban's and is pictured wearing a pair in this article. - Natalie gets named dropped in what appears to be…

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Two Wallpapers

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Currently getting my ass handed to me by a head cold, so please forgive any mistakes in the forthcoming updates. We start today with some wallpapers from Sascha. Enjoy! 1280x800

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More Bro

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Jeff Wells has commented on Hammond's piece that I posted about earlier today, and he reveals a few more details about how the film is, or isn't, being shown to…

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Showing Hollywood How Its Done – #9 Results

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Wow, it was an incredibly close one this week. The winning addition won by just 3 votes.

Sarah is initially moved by these photographs but is rocked to her core when she realizes that each location, featured in the polaroids, harkens back to her dark past.

The full synopsis and results are after the jump, and the next round will hopefully be up later. If you have any dark past suggestions, fire away in the comments section and I will try to include them. (more…)

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New Poll + V Magazine Results

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I thought I’d put up a poll dealing with today’s big Black Swan casting news. Don’t think this one will run long so vote while you can.

The Black Swan Casting Poll

As for the V Magazine results, the response was very positive. Although “boring” beat out (or should that be “off”?) “masturbation” by a single vote. Madness!

Full results after the jump. (more…)

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New York I Love You is losing more and more theatres every week, but the drop from weekend to weekend is actually pretty good. That said, we're dealing with such…

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