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Brothers Tidbits

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Man, I wonder when the Brothers review embargo ends. Would be great to read some proper reviews. While we twiddle our thumbs, here are a couple other Brothers related news…

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Showing Hollywood How Its Done – #10 Results

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Right then, I think we’re approaching the final straight of our little synopsis experiment. The latest addition was this option…

That night, Sarah looks out of her window at the park down the road. She holds up Jeff’s last polaroid, which features the very same park. She goes to the front door, turns the doorknob and steps into the night.

The next round will be up later or tomorrow. I hope my brain is better able to unweave everything this week because last week was a hell of a struggle. If you have any suggestions, don’t hold back.

Full synopsis and results after the jump.

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Site Stuff

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Firstly, Sak has uploaded the V video to our video section. Those who want to keep it for prosperity, enjoy... Right click and "save as" Also a little reminder to…

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Turkish Delight

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A Turkish filmmaker (sadly not the fantastic director of Three Monkeys, Nuri Bilge Ceylan) called Zeki Demirkubuz had a REALLY complimentary comment about Natalie in this interview. I intend to…

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