YO. Natalie is gonna be on the Mojo in the Morning radio show on 95.5 FM in Detroit this morning. at least i think so. i heard a commercial for…
All The News
YO. Natalie is gonna be on the Mojo in the Morning radio show on 95.5 FM in Detroit this morning. at least i think so. i heard a commercial for…
Scott sent in this very impressive mosiac, which looks like it took a lot of work. I'm probably just ignorant about the process and its mostly automated, but however long…
I've added 100+ screencaps of Natalie's latest appearance on "The Late Show with David Letterman" to the gallery.
Nice to have a new wallpaper from Silversurfer today. Enjoy. 1280x1024
Okay, for those of you who have struggle with youtube and rapidshare, struggle no more. Sak has now added both appearances to our video section. Letterman - 81 mb (right…
Natalie talks about, what else, Brothers in this new article. It's definitely worth reading in its entirety but here is a small excerpt.
Cansu found another youtube version of Natalie Letterman appearance. Like the last one, I'm sure it won't last. So you better hurry.
The new poll is about the Letterman appearance. If you haven’t seen it yet, just wait awhile before voting because we’ll be hosting it soon enough.
As for the verdict on Natalie’s premiere look – it came out incredibly positive. You can view the full results after the jump.