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  It's been so long since I've done one of these I can't even begin to recall when it was. With the end of the year around the corner I…

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  Just a few odds and ends for today. Nothing that will change the world. Or will it? No, it won't. - Let's start with the good news, for the…

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It’s been awhile since we’ve featured some Natalie fanart on the site, but that ends right now. Below are 5 drawings from Natalie fans, and hopefully this will encourage more people to send in their work. Thanks to, in order of work – Anya, Sarah, Melysa and Ilya (x2).




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  Kitten has found two new instagram photos of Natalie with lucky guys. The one is from her Tokyo visit and is very elegant. The second is from...I have no…

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  Really nice batch of mini news items for you guys today. - This THR report of the NY event had a potentially very interesting tidbit hidden within. "We have…

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