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Million Kids

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  Natalie made a brief stop in Israel to sign a petition, in Hebrew, calling on all parties to help feed hungry children. The website can be found here -…

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  Those of you able to watching Detroit Public Television are in for a treat! On Monday the documentary The Armenian Genocide will air and it includes some big stars…

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Tracking Shots

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  I really want to do the new Charlies today but once again the day slipped away. Tomorrow I promise! In the mean time, enjoy this really cool video showing…

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  It's all back to the quiet life in Natalieland right now. I've got a few mini news items that I've been saving for a rainy day so grab your…

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Dior Stunner

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  One can get a bit cynical about advertising photos, particularly when we've now see Natalie and that freaking pink dress a million times over the last few years. But…

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