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Jackie Film Review

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Hey everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve written for this site. I attended both Jackie and Planetarium at the Toronto International Film Festival, and I am going to review both of these releases. First, here’s Jackie!


When Billy Crudup’s journalist character asks Jackie Onassis what it sounded like when the bullet went through her late husband’s head, you know you’re getting a grizzly depiction of how the John F. Kennedy assassination went down. Jackie is co-produced by Darren Aronofsky, who was originally slated to direct this film and have his ex parter Rachel Weisz star as the titular former First Lady. Aronofsky and Weisz abandoned their posts, but the former stayed with the project while Chilean director Pablo Larrain got put in charge. Aronofsky’s dismal filmmaking definitely can be felt here, as Larrain’s perception of the tragic event is almost unsettlingly real. Natalie Portman, also an Aronofsky affiliate, was selected for the main role, and the rest is history.

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TIFF videos

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  The premieres of Jackie and Planetarium in Toronto is giving us abundant graphic and video material. Here a couple of examples: two short videos by THR and LA Times,…

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Jackie TIFF Premiere: second wave of reactions

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Just celebrated the premiere of Jackie in Toronto, and a new wave of amazing reactions is taking place:


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TIFF Portraits

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While we wait for the premiere of Jackie at the Toronto International Film Festival this evening, we can enjoy this portrait of Natalie taken at the Vanity Fair studio yesterday:

…and many more after the jump! (more…)

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