All The News

New poll

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Hey all Everyone is busy working on things for the new design so I'm gonna keep updates down to a minimum this week. Thankfully there's not much nat news anyway.…

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server issues

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Hi Vapid...and everyone else. Before I get to the update, english soccer/football fans make sure you read all the way to the end of the update cos there's something for…

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19 million!!!

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Hey all Wasn't gonna update tonight cos I've been busy working on the new design...and by working I mean cracking my whip and making Kris do handstands. But this email…

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new comic

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Hey all Nate and I have got the new comic strip done. I have no idea why I wrote "Jim" in the script. It's meant to be "John" as in…

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Hey all Another quiet day on the news front but we're working on lots of things behind the scenes. The new design is coming along steadily and Kris deserves some…

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pics and polls

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Hey all I'm in a fabulously melancholy mood but I did promise another update so here we go... Katie, Bob, Orionsaint and Stumachr7 (must be a popular mag) all sent…

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new nat pics

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Just arrived in my inbox. We know this pic. But look at this! And look at this!!! *swoon* Those were sent in by Caleb who also cleaned up two older…

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