this is a fluff update
AC scanned this neat bit from the MX newspaper in Melbourne. see, if you're gonna badmouth Natalie Portman, do it in a tongue she doesn't understand. like tagalog: PUTANG INA…
All The News
AC scanned this neat bit from the MX newspaper in Melbourne. see, if you're gonna badmouth Natalie Portman, do it in a tongue she doesn't understand. like tagalog: PUTANG INA…
Quickie... Variety are reporting the following... MILAN -- Adrien Brody and Natalie Portman have been offered roles in a biopic of war photographer Robert Capa, written and to be directed…
Hola This update was done while listening to The Mars Volta. Make of that what you will. We've got a new poll going but before that, here are the results…
Hey all Feeling muuuuch better today. Thanks for not spamming me with hatemail and death threats for the little break. If there was anything majorly important I woulda updated with…
Hey I'm feeling better today so tomorrow things should be back to normal. Till then...
Wow, that wasn't fun at all. Who woulda thought. I may feel like crap but I thought I'd do a quick update cos Nate sent in the new comic today.…
Hey all This is probably my last update for a few days. Tomorrow night I'm gonna watch Revolutions and then it's off to bed early cos on thursday morning I'm…
Hey all I'm currently working through a ton of email, mostly about the new editorial. In past From the Inbox's I've been able to post pretty much all the emails…