Hiya Just got word that Nat is on the cover of the upcoming Parade Magazine. More pics...another article...kickass. Thanks to Ryan.
All The News
Hiya Just got word that Nat is on the cover of the upcoming Parade Magazine. More pics...another article...kickass. Thanks to Ryan.
Morning Just a couple really cool things that couldn't wait till a full update. Eric sent in another fantastic scan from the Elle shoot. And Krysta stumbled across the german…
Hiya This is one of the best news items ever. Damien Rice's Blower's Daughter video. Not only is it a great song and a great video but features Natalie pole…
Some important news for Swedish Nat fans, from Nathalie... i thought you should know that Garden State will be shown during the Stockholm Film Festival (Nov 18-Nov28) it'll be shown…
Hiya A bigger update will be on the way later this weekend. Tonight I just feel like watching a movie and then waking up early to watch South Africa get…
Hiya Struggling to keep my eyes open after watching the most boring soccer match ever. But I'll try. A few days back my friend Alex (he of the sometimes updates)…
Hiya If you head over to the Kamiseta site you'll see a new set of Nat pics. I wasn't fond of the previous sets but this new one (taken in…
I saw Garden State today. And so I'm a bit emotional. Hey, shut up! Anyway, here are a couple things for tonight. The poll will have to wait till tomorrow.…