What you thought I wouldn’t come again, Leave you hangin’ without bringin’ you the fun again?
Ok, that's the first and last time I'll ever quote a Will Smith song, I promise! This is just too cool - the trivia subtitles from the Leon DVD! If…
All The News
Ok, that's the first and last time I'll ever quote a Will Smith song, I promise! This is just too cool - the trivia subtitles from the Leon DVD! If…
Hiya I've got a zillion emails to get through. I feel as though I'm in a boat that's sprung a leak. I've got to start bailing out water now because…
Natalie just WON the Golden Globe for Best supporting actress! Clive Owen won Best supporting actor. The photo gallery is up.
Natalie will be tonight at the NBC "Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope" event according to futoncritic.com: BURBANK, Calif. -? January 13, 2005 ?- Brad Pitt, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu,…
Hiya So...yeah...my HD crashed. Luckily I was able to back up most stuff but a few things are probably gone for good. Including 6 years worth of emails. Ouch. Anyway,…
Dazza's computer is fried and I just lost my job. Other than that things are going great! So if you have any Natalie-news, mail me until Dazza's back on the…
Ok, so how does Dazza usually do these things?... he starts off by a semi-related movie quote. Check! Then follows up with news that everyone and their sister have probably…