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Natalie at a Dior event in Tokyo

Natalie posted some stories on Instagram yesterday, celebrating her birthday in Tokyo. Today we learned the ultimate reason for the trip to Japan: she attended the opening preview for Christian Dior’s “Miss Dior Exhibition – Stories of a Miss” at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo this wenesday. We have some pictures (and a video) from the photocall after the jump:


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Hello everyone and welcome to PORTMANIA! DAY ONE!

PORTMANIA 26 in fact. For almost a quarter of a century we at have celebrated Natalie Portman’s birthday with PORTMANIA!! A five day festivity of love, kindness, and garbage. A salute to NATALIE PORTMAN and all of her successes and all of her faults! We don’t judge! and this Sunday Natalie Portman turns 43!

Now please, Dive into the adventure of love that is…



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