Natalie Related News

Natalie Portman will be in Thor: Love and Thunder

Yes, it’s real. Natalie will play Jane Foster (and hold Mjolnir as the female Thor of the comics) in the fourth film of the saga: Thor. Love and Thunder. A real surprise for all the fans that we thought we would not see Natalie again in a Marvel movie. The announcement was made this afternoon during the presentation of new Marvel projects at the San Diego Comic Con, and we have the photos of the moment:


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Bryce Talks About Natalie

As is well known, Natalie and Bryce Dallas Howard met at the Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Camp in the mid-nineties, becoming great friends since then. Well… Bryce was interviewed at the SiriusXM studios for her role in “Rocketman,” and recalled her friendship with Natalie those years in the following video:


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