Natalie Related News

Vote early video

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Simple. No puppies. But still very cute. In this new video, Natalie wants everyone to be aware of early voting, in certain states, for the upcoming presidential election.

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Natalie and Rashida Jones (The Office) have an answer to the financial crisis in this new..."PSA". Enjoy :-P

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Eve = minor masterpiece?

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The feedback for Natalie’s directorial debut, Eve, has been very enthusiastic up till now. But this new review, from a screening at the Hamptons Film Festival, goes above and beyond. There are minor spoilers but the first two paragraphs and the last are completely safe.

All these films above are interesting short films. They feel like short films. Short films often feel like “short films”.

The fifth film in the program, however, is not a “short film”. It is a film. It is also a minor masterpiece. It is perhaps the best short film I’ve ever seen. The film is beautifully shot and edited, and brilliantly written and directed, by Natalie Portman (the actress).


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