The next big thing
Ropesofsilicon have put together a list of "young" actresses that they think might become the next big leading lady of Hollywood, like Julia Roberts was in the 90's. Natalie is…
Natalie Related News
Ropesofsilicon have put together a list of "young" actresses that they think might become the next big leading lady of Hollywood, like Julia Roberts was in the 90's. Natalie is…
When I originally posted about Eve playing at Flickerfest in Bondi, I thought that it was a one time thing. Little did I know that the festival is actually traveling all across Australia. Whoops.
Fanatical found a blog post from someone that saw it at Flickerfest and was quite taken by the film.
So funniest thing happens last night…I went and saw Flickerfest @ Camelot Outdoor (oh super lovely free drinks and pizza yum!) and I am watching this film called ‘Eve’ which is about this grandaughter who is dragged along on her grandma’s date! It stars that girl from the Wackness and Juno- Olivia Thirbly and Lauren Bacall (who is so still very beautiful) and the cute and v. charming Ben Gazzara. After it finished I am thinking to myself ‘Awww that was my favourite!” and then guess who directed it?! Natalie Portman-no wonder I haven’t seen her in anything recent lately she is making cute super cool films! I guess thats also why she had such great actors and had the very talented Sufjan Stevens do the soundtrack they are probably all friends but regardless I think she tells a lovely story! Tops!!!!…”
Natalie and pooch were snapped on their way to lunch in LA yesterday. Some really adorable pics in this set, which you can see by clicking the image below. Thanks…
If you're loving Natalie's look from the A Powerful Noise appearance you're in luck. Well, provided you have $400 burning a hole in your purse... Get the look
According to this article, in Portuguese, actor Rodrigo Santoro might at least be friends with Natalie. Perhaps even dating. Or maybe he was joking. The actor Rodrigo Santoro was discrete…
The gallery has been updated with one new outtake and three new/old uncropped and textless pictures from Natalie's photoshoot with Michael Thompson for Allure in 2004.
Lodivico found a blog entry that apparently contains a quote from Rodrigo Santoro that denies any relationship with Natalie. Just as with the initial update, I have no idea what…
Rotten Tomatoes have put together a list of graphic novel to film adaptations, in honour of Watchmen's release this weekend, and V for Vendetta can be find half way through…