Natalie Related News

Walking to Soho

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Morning. It looks like we're set to have another busy day. Starting off now with 3 new additions to the Apple Store gallery that Rachel put up yesterday. These three…

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Nat talks MakingOf at the Apple Store

  • Post author: has a nice write-up on Natalie’s appearance at the Apple Store today. Make sure to stay for the last couple paragraphs. Yikes.

Most actors arrive at the Tribeca Film Festival attempting to sell their films. Natalie Portman arrived today to sell her Web site. She visited the Apple Store SoHo with Christine Aylward, her partner in the new behind-the-scenes filmmaking site Featuring interviews with everyone from Oscar-winning filmmakers (Ron Howard, Billy Bob Thornton) to composers, cinematographers and other below-the-line craftspeople, MakingOf is Portman and Aylward’s attempt to level the informational (and, eventually, communal) playing field for aspiring film professionals. Like if you ever wanted audition tips from Jason Bateman, followed by a casting director’s headshot suggestions? They’re on it.

“Pretty much everyone’s role on a film is indispensable — hundreds of people,” Portman told a packed house of media, filmmakers, and not a few heartsick admirers. (We’ll get to them.) “Like without a first [assistant director]? Without a good first AD? Your movie falls to pieces. And those are people who never, ever, ever get interviewed anywhere. And they make the movie. I feel like you could probably run a set better with a good first AD and no director than a good director and no AD. There are people like that who you never hear from, and we want people to have an idea about who these people are if they’re interested in filmmaking.

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Lohan and Nat = BFF?

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A got a bunch of emails about this, but yesterday I thought it was best to just focus on Natalie and MakingOf. So now we can finally get into it. What is it? Well, Lindsay Lohan (former actress, current tabloid queen) was on Ellen and while talking about her problems (more specifically, how her problems aren’t her fault and are behind her anyway) she name dropped Natalie as a friend who has always been there for her.

Now, this isn’t the first time she’s mentioned Nat. The following was from an Elle Magazine interview. (more…)

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