More Hesher Pics
Here we go, a few more Hesher set pics have emerged thanks to Just Jared. Click for the gallery. What are we thinking about this geeky look for the film?
Natalie Related News
Here we go, a few more Hesher set pics have emerged thanks to Just Jared. Click for the gallery. What are we thinking about this geeky look for the film?
While we wait, in hope, for some more Hesher set photos - here are some minor items to pass the time. - According to the last paragraph, it would seem…
The anthology film, 'New York, I Love You', will finally get a release on October 16, according to Variety. As you should know, Natalie wrote and directed one of the…
An Aussie Sheila, by the name of Dora, started seeing Natalie on her way to work. Thankfully Dora wasn't losing her mind but was actually seeing a mural of Natalie…
A pretty good batch today. - Another report on Natalie's new house, which includes some cool facts. Built in 1930, previously owned by Dermot Mulroney and Catherine Keener, "small by…
This article about MakingOf includes quotes from Christine Aylward and has a few interesting tidbits within. - Natalie definitely was in India. - Natalie and Christine met on the set…
Natalie was spotted on the set of her brand new flick Hesher today, looking very retro and flashing a little bit more than some thigh. Photos courtesy of UPDATE…
That sounds quite exciting. In actuality, we just have several mentions from people who saw Natalie at the White House Dinner last weekend.
The first is from a private blog.
Natalie Portman looked a bit tired and out place (she came alone). She sat down behind Dave on the outdoor deck. He was standing, so I told him to block her. I think she needed some alone time from the misc. people coming up to her. She was so tiny, but very beautiful.
That’s kinda cute.
Next up is Glamour.
When I boarded an Amtrak train from NYC to DC this morning, I saw a cute girl a few paces ahead carrying a garment bag, and she looked like she might be headed to the Correspondents Dinner, like me. I decided to make friends. Then I caught up to her, and um, it was Natalie Portman (on AMTRAK! How normal is she?)