Natalie Related News


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While we wait, in hope, for some more Hesher set photos - here are some minor items to pass the time. - According to the last paragraph, it would seem…

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Thursday Tidbits

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A pretty good batch today. - Another report on Natalie's new house, which includes some cool facts. Built in 1930, previously owned by Dermot Mulroney and Catherine Keener, "small by…

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Eye Witness Accounts

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That sounds quite exciting. In actuality, we just have several mentions from people who saw Natalie at the White House Dinner last weekend.

The first is from a private blog.

Natalie Portman looked a bit tired and out place (she came alone). She sat down behind Dave on the outdoor deck. He was standing, so I told him to block her. I think she needed some alone time from the misc. people coming up to her. She was so tiny, but very beautiful.

That’s kinda cute.

Next up is Glamour.

When I boarded an Amtrak train from NYC to DC this morning, I saw a cute girl a few paces ahead carrying a garment bag, and she looked like she might be headed to the Correspondents Dinner, like me. I decided to make friends. Then I caught up to her, and um, it was Natalie Portman (on AMTRAK! How normal is she?)


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