Natalie Related News


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Joystick Division have a new article up in which they cast actresses to play famous game characters. Here's Natalie's entry: Natalie Portman's sweet and charming looks coupled with her great…

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Black Swan To Fly Soon?

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Updating while cartwheeling is harder than it looks. Darren Aronofksy has both Black Swan (the ballet thriller with Natalie attached) and Robocop (the remake) lined up and the Hollywood Reporter blog talks about the possible scheduling conflict between the two projects. Thankfully, for us, the film that seems like it might fall away (from Darren at least) is Robocop.

The director is on the verge of a deal that would have him helming passion project “Black Swan” later this year. While a few budget and financing issues on the Natalie Portman-toplined supernatural drama still need be to ironed out, people familiar with the situation say Aronofsky pretty much has indie financing for the pic set, with Fox Searchlight (which of course distribbed his “The Wrestler” last year) monitoring pre-production closely and potentially coming aboard at a later stage.

But a fall start has another potential consequence: it throws into question Aronofsky’s involvement on “Robocop,”


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Oodles Noodles

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Twitter once again comes through with the news. This set of tweets is from a guy that got to cook for Natalie and the Your Highness screw. having lunch with…

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Kick Ass

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The director of the upcoming Kick-Ass, Mathew Vaughan, talks up the actress playing Hit Girl in the film. Part of that praise includes a mention of Natalie. The director of…

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