Natalie Related News

Garcy Reviews LOIP

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Garcy is a big contributor to and is someone that can definitely be critical of Natalie’s films (we’ve butted heads plenty of times :-P). All of which makes THIS the most important review of the film so far. Enjoy.

Saw LAOIP at a screening yesterday filled with a responsive audience. I went in with low expectations. I knew the film wasn’t going to blow me away because the novel certainly didn’t. A friend of mine suffered a perinatal loss very recently so the subject matter carried some weight for me. The film could have easily been overwrought and weepy but Roos handled the heaviness of the circumstances with enough subtlety so as not to overwhelm the viewer. I only had one issue with a key scene involving Natalie and Scott Cohen’s character that could’ve used a bit more emotional punch.

Natalie does a fine job carrying the entire film on her petite shoulders. It’s a meaty role and she’s in almost every scene. There is no trace of girlishness from her, instead we see her play a real adult woman – and I bought it.


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Miss Elliette

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This blog has a strange article on a Miss Elliette (the Coco Chanel of American fashion...apparently) movie being in development. At first it sounds like they're kinda fantasy casting it…

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TIFF Links

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Man, I’m just faced with a million links, so I’m going to try and pick out the most interesting ones for a bumper tidbits update.

Interview that touches on Roos and Kudrow being so tight:

Asked if she felt like an outsider at first, Portman answered, “They were very friendly, it’s not like they cut me out, like I was the new kid at school.”

“Oh, we made fun of her a lot, but behind her back,” Roos joked. “We’d watch her dailies and roar.”

– The NY Times isn’t too enamored with the film:

Mr. Roos overworks his material into a sudsy pulp. Most of the characters might be in need of therapy, but Mr. Roos’s screenplay has already been therapeuticized, with every angle, emotion, feeling spelled out.

– Really nice short interview with Natalie on the red carpet, just use the link on the right. (more…)

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