Brothers Review
Lodovico spotted a user review from Martin over on the IMDB boards, which has some nice things to say about Natalie's performance. A performance that another poster thinks is going…
Natalie Related News
Lodovico spotted a user review from Martin over on the IMDB boards, which has some nice things to say about Natalie's performance. A performance that another poster thinks is going…
Natalie will be making appearances on both shows on November 25th, no doubt to talk up Brothers but we might also get a couple funny Your Highness stories as well.…
Time to clear out a few mini updates that aren't quite worthy enough to have their very own updates. - There's a brief Natalie mention in this NY Times article…
Great find from Gabriel tonight. It's a behind the scenes music video of Natalie's fantastic V Magazine shoot. Click the image below to check it out.
Last night I got an email letting me know that Natalie would be going to the Directors Guild this morning. I didn't know anything more than that but Fanatical noticed…
Dave Poland has apparently seen Brothers. He hasn't really written out his thoughts yet - probably under embargo - but did make a couple comments in his latest Oscar column.…
There is a short clip of Natalie up on the Brothers site. I haven't seen the clip, because I don't want to see any more footage before I sit down…
Garcy found a really encouraging article over at The Wrap, in which it states that Lionsgate is now fully getting behind an Oscar campaign for the film and Tobey Maguire.…