Natalie Related News

More Set Photos

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Christ it looks cold. These new photos are from filming yesterday and Natalie looks suitably pissed off…and kinda hot. Well, as hot as one can look in such cold conditions. For photos of Mila and Sebastian head over to Popsugar.

There were also some tweets about indoor filming last week, which might be considered spoilers so if you want to read them you can do so after the jump.

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Another Swan

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Yet another addition to the Black Swan cast, according to Shocktillyoudrop, in the shape of British actress Janet Montgomery. Yet another cutie.

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Love Unites

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A couple months back we mentioned that Natalie was supporting FAIR, and their Defend Equality Love Unites campaign. In doing so she has signed a poster print created by Shepard…

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We Are Go For Zombies

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It was just a few days ago that I reported about the ‘Pride And Prejudice And Zombies’ project possibly getting the miniseries treatment. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that the miniseries rumour was total BS.

Well, it certainly was because Variety have the announcement that the film adaptation is happening with Natalie starring as the feisty Elizabeth Bennet and producing.

Portman will star in and produce “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” a film that is based on the bestselling book written by Seth Grahame-Smith and Austen. Lionsgate will finance and distribute. Quirk Books published the tome.

Portman will produce through her handsomecharlie shingle with Annette Savitch, plus Darko Films’ Richard Kelly, Sean McKittrick and Ted Hamm.


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