Moar Hesh
A few more reviews hit overnight.
– Slashfilm were expecting a lot but were quite disappointed. However, they still gave it 7.5/10.
If the plot sounds like it is all over the place, that’s because it is. Joseph Gordon-Levitt again transforms himself into a character like-nothing you’ve seen him play before. Portman is as cute as ever, but her character seems a bit lacking.
– New York Magazine thinks the film and Natalie are not convincing.
Natalie Portman is just not believable as a grocery store cashier who can’t get more than 15 hours of work a week. Even in granny glasses and ill-fitting shirts, she looks like a starlet on the L train.
– This blogger is raving about the film.
Hesher was a sort of bizarre film, but I loved every minute of it.