I personally think this is cute as hell. It was found by Lodovico at this flickr account.
Natalie Related News
I personally think this is cute as hell. It was found by Lodovico at this flickr account.
The AV Club have a funny article entitled “24 Romantic-Comedy Characters Who Don’t Deserve Love”. Among those who receive a beat down – Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jones’s Diary, Meg Ryan in Sleepless In Seattle and Woody Allen in…everything.
Garden State’s Sam is one of the 24, despite currently leading our Valentines poll.
15-16. Zach Braff and Natalie Portman, Garden State (2004)
The myth of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl was pushed to its most egregious extreme in Garden State, where beautiful Natalie Portman “redeems” a self-pitying, thoroughly unlikeable wimp (Zach Braff) by inexplicably falling in love with him, in spite of his rancid self-absorption and unseemly level of pussitude. In fact, she enables his bullshit, taking out a bottle to preserve his single, precious tear when he finally works up the nerve to cry over paralyzing his mother back when he was a kid.
I'm going to try and keep today's updates on topic. Valentines Day posts and then later I'll focus on our birthday a bit. That's if I have time after opening…
Just in time for Valentine's Day, I've added 80 screen captures from New York, I Love You to the gallery.
It proved to be an epic shoot for a relatively small film, but Black Swan finally wrapped up on Thursday according to First Look. The past 6 months or so…
Buzzsugar have put together a list of their ideal celebrity couples. The funniest is probably George Clooney and Meryl Streep, a pairing that would make my brain implode. For Natalie…
Yesterday we posted about Natalie putting up a pair of signed Black Swan ballet slippers for auction. A bunch of other Indie celebs (including Devendra) have also contributed items for…
Natalie is on the cover of a German Magazine called Gala Wedding. I don't know what's more interesting - that they are using a pic from the famous Cannes set,…