Natalie Related News


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Natalie's second film was a student short film called, Developing. For a long while it wasn't available and then I think it was our former staff member Mart (or maybe…

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Gallery Updates

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I've updated the gallery with two new photos from the Jerome Robbins Theater Gala and Grand Opening and 13 HQ photos from Natalie's Benefit For Hungry In America arrival plus…

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Here comes another batch of bite sized updates. - Nat has made a best dressed list along with Heidi Klum, Katie Holmes and Charlize Theron. I'm not sure which magazine…

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Highness Buzz

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Slashfilm has a piece up about the reactions that have shown up online after the Your Highness screening on the weekend. The most substantive thoughts are still the two from…

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Best Buds

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News hit early today about the film that might follow Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. The full report is over at Pajiba, but here is the crux of it.

Natalie Portman and her production company, Handsome Charlie Films, are currently searching for a director to helm Best Buds, a stoner road comedy Portman is producing and set to star in. The independently financed comedy is said to be in the vein of Harold and Kumar and Half-Baked and will center on two best female friends who take a road trip to their friend’s wedding in order to save her by bringing her weed.

According to our source, The Hollywood Cog, the script comes from actress Jamie Denbo, who is probably best known for writing and starring in a popular Showtime pilot, “Ronna & Beverly,” which was directed by Paul Feig, but never got picked up for series (it was apparently only aired for tax purposes).

Some thoughts after the jump.


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Hungry Photocall

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Now we have photos from the Hungry In America photocall. Below she is posing with Tom Colicchio from Top Chef, who hosted the event with Natalie. Thanks to Fame Game.…

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