Thor Synopsis
The official Thor synopsis has been expanded and now has a good mention of Natalie's character in the film. This is by way of Slashfilm. At the center of the…
Natalie Related News
The official Thor synopsis has been expanded and now has a good mention of Natalie's character in the film. This is by way of Slashfilm. At the center of the…
I've organized and updated the Vanity Fair gallery with 12 new HQ photos and more LQ photos. Keep checking back for more!
While we wait for Rachel's update, I thought this pic that Cingun found was worth its own update. Why? Because it shows that Ben was with Natalie. Ben wasn't the…
Sorry for the lack of updates so far. It's so ridiculously hot here today that I've basically been making sweet love to my fan just to get me through the…
Natalie might not always attend the Oscar ceremony but she's become a permanent fixture of the annual Vanity Fair Oscar after party. Tonight was no exception. Rachel will give the…
Last Friday, Natalie was in attendance at Creative Artists Agency head Bryan Lourd's star-studded house party to kick off Oscar weekend in Los Angeles. We have one candid of Nat…
Lainey Gossip attended the RADD pre Oscar party and being a big Natalie fan, of course had something to say. Only caught a quick glimpse of Natalie Portman and her…
Rachel has made a few minor changes to yesterday's gallery, including this cute forced smile shot. For some info on Natalie's look, head over here.