Natalie Related News


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Kristen Stewart is a card carrying Nat fan and we've posted about her Natalie freak outs in the past. I think its cute but she seems to rub a lot…

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News has dried up a bit, so here are a couple tidbits while we wait for something more substantial. - This site suggests some of Natalie's red carpet hairdo's as…

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LOIP Update

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It's sadly been all quiet on the Love and Other Impossible Pursuits front since it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last year. Despite some really nice reviews, these…

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Venice Walk

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Yesterday Natalie was spotted walking with a tall mystery man in Venice Beach, with Ben trying to remain inconspicuous in the background. According to Just Jared they stopped for a…

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Thor Insight

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Lodovico spotted a great interview with a Marvel insider over at Latino Review. There’s some great details that emerge, including exactly what happened with Stuart Townsend losing the role of Fandral – what an ass.

Obviously, for those who don’t want to know anything about the film, this article dips its toes into spoiler infested waters. But here are two tidbits that are safe for everyone.

Natalie Portman should be heading there (Raleigh Studios in Manhattan Beach) soon, she just finished Black Swan and has just started shooting her scenes in New Mexico.

When might we finally see a teaser trailer?


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