Natalie Related News

Elle December

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The one thing missing from the packed last few months of Natalie news, is a nice big magazine appearance. These scans that Cingun found are from the December issue of…

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Gallery Updates

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Now that the gallery is behaving itself, I've uploaded some new HQ photos from Natalie's Late Show with David Letterman appearance. I've also added the HQ photos of her arrival…

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Best Dressed

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Teen Vogue have released their list of the 50 best dressed (young) women of 2010. Since we're here, Natalie obviously makes an appearance on the list. But how high up…

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Videos Here. Videos There. Videos Everywhere.

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Once again, in an attempt to try and clear the slate, here are a bunch of news items in one go. This is like fast food updating. Quick, delicious but probably bad for you.

– First up is a small portion of the Q&A following the The Wrap’s Screening Series event for Black Swan last week. They don’t embed so you’ll have to head over here.

– Natalie is interviewed by Jim Ferguson, who sounds like he’s standing down the hall. The topic is, of course, Black Swan.


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Black Swan Tidbits

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Time to play a little catch up.

– Let’s start with some release date information. Here is some info on the limited release for December 3rd.

The opening on Dec 3 is now expanding to 8 cities instead of just NY and LA… Boston (Boston Commons, Kendall Square), Chicago (River East, Century Centre, Evanston), San Francisco (Metreon, Kabuki), Washington DC (Bethesda, E Street, Georgetown), Dallas/Ft Worth (Magnolia, Angelika, Plano), and Toronto (Varsity)

– The Movie Line Oscar Index has Natalie “pulling away from the flock”.

Deadline has their own look at the actress race and has this to say about Natalie:

Many are already predicting the race is over and the Oscar is Portman’s even before the film opens and officially plays for Academy members. One voting wag who’s seen it said, ‘Portman will win every award in sight for this including the Heisman Trophy’. As a mentally disturbed prima ballerina this is Diva to the Dark Side and Portman dazzles every pirouette of the way in the kind of transformative role that melts voters. OSCAR CHANCE: It’s Portman’s to lose — to Bening. And in that case a too-close-to-call split vote could open the door for a spoiler to appear out of this pack you are currently prerusing and take it all.


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