Natalie Related News

EW Cover Story

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On Wednesday, Rachel posted the Natalie cover of the latest Entertainment Weekly, along with a preview of the article. I’ve managed to get a bit more of the article (Maybe the whole article? I’m not too sure.), which should erase any doubts about Natalie’s suggestion that lesbian sex was their plan to get people to see the film. Yet another example of people jumping to conclusions and failing to even consider the fact that the comment might not be in context or might even just be a joke.

Also of interest is Natalie explaining how she had to be talked into campaigning for the Oscar by Darren Aronofsky and some of her celebrity friends.

Her riveting performance as an obsessed ballerina in Black Swan has turned the art-house thriller into a surprise hit. Could Natalie Portman pirouette to the podium as Best Actress?

“Everyone was so worried about who was going to want to see this movie,” says Natalie Portman with a sigh of relief in her voice. It’s been a few weeks since her new drama, Black Swan, became an art-house hit, grossing more than $28 million to date, and the actress freely admits box office success was never a sure “I remember them being like, ‘How do you get guys to a ballet movie? How do you get girls to a thriller?’ And the answer is a lesbian scene.” Portman holds a straight face for a beat before she cracks up. “Everyone wants to see that.”


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Episode 3 Review

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If you love the Star Wars prequels, no need to read on. Go ahead and skip this update.

Right then, for the rest of us, the Mr Plinkett video reviews of the films is probably the only great thing to come out of the series…okay, maybe Natalie’s white jump suit as well.

Plinkett is finally back with his review of the Revenge Of The Sith and just like the last two, its really funny, inventive and underneath all the bluster, a review that raises tons of reasons why these films left some of us so cold. His section on the walking, couches, talking, walking, talking, couches, had me nodding so strongly I think I’ve given myself whiplash.

This is the perfect way to start 2011.

Part 2 and 3 after the jump.


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Method Deep

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Critic A.O. Scott has a really fantastic article on Black Swan and Natalie in the NY Times. Those who are spoilerphobic, may want to tread lightly. But in the end…

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Portman Day

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The Large Association of Movie Bloggers (LAMB) has asked bloggers to contribute Natalie articles, as she is the subject of their featured Acting School 101 segment. Our own Void wrote…

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Avocado Wrap

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The NY Post has a Natalie and Benjamin sighting. Sounds very cute, except for the avocado wrap. Everyone knows babies love bacon ;-) A glowing, pregnant and newly engaged Natalie…

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