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The reviews for No Strings Attached are…well…I would say not as bad as some of us feared. One big positive is that even the more negative reviews seem to be singling out Natalie as one of the more successful elements of the film.

Here are a new batch of reviews, which mostly dwell in the land of mixed.

Let’s start with quite a positive review from Drew McWeeny over at Hitflix, who admits that he normally gets accused of hating the genre but finds NSA to be “painless” and “occasionally pretty good”.

This is the first time we’ve seen that girl from the Lonely Island rap video in a feature film, the first time she’s brought that same foul-mouthed, cheerfully dirty sense of humor out to play for a film. It makes her doubly adorable, and it feels like in her last few films, we’re starting to really see what the adult Portman is capable of. She lets her Black Swan fly here, and her sense of giddy joy at what she’s doing carries over into the tone of the film itself. She’s having a good time, Kutcher’s having a good time, and even Ivan Reitman, whose work has been genuinely awful for his last several films, seems to be having a good time. As a result, I did, too, and that simple surprise is enough to make me recommend this one.

On the other side of the river bank is Roger Ebert with a disheartening 2 star review.

Natalie Portman is perhaps about to win an Academy Award for “Black Swan.” Why she helped produce this I cannot say. Ambitious actors usually do dreck like this in order to be able to afford to make a movie like “Black Swan.” All the same, she does what she can; she has an edge, aggressive timing, and impressive enthusiasm for sex romping.


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An eclectic mix for you guys today. - Cuddlious says that Nat will be interviewed about the making of Black Swan this Sunday morning on "CBS Sunday Morning Show". -…

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Nat On Conan

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Thank goodness for the Conan site, which already has the full interview (at least I think its mostly the whole thing, there are a couple edits) up. It's a really…

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More NSA Goodies

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NPortmanFan found a new interview with Natalie and Ashton and the interviewer has some fun questions for them. It may be silly but on a film like No Strings Attached,…

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