Natalie Related News

Brief Q&A

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IFC has a short Q&A with Natalie about Black Swan, but there are a couple interesting questions in there. The whole article is here and below are the questions that…

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New Thor Promos

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Marvel has released two more promo photos, both of which include Natalie, and three character posters that don't feature Natalie and look as cheap as my haircut. Let this be…

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Iza was kind enough to translate the interview portion of yesterday’s Grazia scans. Quite a fun little interview as well.

Miss Dior Chérie is the perfume of the young Parisian. How do you feel about being its new face ?
It is an honor. Every girl in the world wants to be a Parisian.

Why ?
French women seem to be so confident and elegant. Effortlessly. It is impressive for an American woman. Here, girls do not have nose jobs, for instance. Not pretending to be anything else, not faking : that is elegance. It is also terribly sexy.

Would you say the same thing about French guys ?
Of course, everyone knows they are the best lovers in the world ! (Laugh).

Perfume : a weapon of seduction ?
I do not like the idea of fighting to seduce. I would say it is reassuring. It gives confidence, glamour and changes the way you walk. It also gives you a chance to be recognizable by your trail, to define yourself, to leave a memory…


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