Natalie Related News

Time Poll

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You can vote for Natalie on Time Magazine's annual 100 most influential people list, although if memory serves, voting numbers is not the only factor that they use. In any…

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Your Highness Articles

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Awise found a couple nice articles about Your Highness.

The New York Times article reveals that the budget was $50 million (might be a challenge to reach that domestically) and that Green and McBride first came up with the idea when they filmed indie (tear your heart of your chest) drama, All The Real Girls, in 2003.

“He always plays such jerks,” Ms. Portman said. “I was like, ‘Oh God, what’s it going to be like to work with this guy?’ But he’s so incredibly lovely.”

She said she was grateful for a role that was athletic as well as comic, allowing her to wield fearsome weapons and foul language traditionally reserved for male characters.

“I don’t know how I got this image of being this strait-laced girl,” she said.

As for a scene in which Ms. Portman conspicuously strips down to a thong bikini before bathing in a lake, she said, “Now being heavily pregnant, I’m glad it’s captured on film somewhere that I wasn’t always this size.”

Even more interesting comments after the jump.


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