Natalie Related News

Thor Featurette

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This making of/behind the scenes video is pretty decent, which is most thankful after yesterday's clip. It outlines the story, has brief interviews with some of the cast and crew,…

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No Thor Attached

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A new Thor clip, featuring Natalie, has landed's yet another cutesy silly scene that makes Thor look closer to Your Highness and No Strings Attached than an epic superhero…

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Hungary Magazine

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Stefan found some scans from Hungary's Joy Magazine. Not sure how many visitors will be able to understand what's being said, but I thought it would be worth posting all…

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Today's tidbits are about Bryan Adams, Luc Besson and Natalie's hair. - Inspired by the new film, Hanna, The Playlist have put together a list of their favourite hitman films.…

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Your Highness Reviews

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Your Highness has continued to get slammed by critics, which upsets me more than if Thor were getting these kind of reviews. I’m such a big fan of what McBride and Green have done before, that I feel slightly shell shocked by the (at the time of writing) 26% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

I still think it’s more likely than unlikely that I’ll personally enjoy the film, but we’ll have to see about that and what general audiences feel about the film. I would imagine the film will land between $10 million and $17 million this weekend, with the film’s $50 million budget looking a long way down the road.

In any case, here are a few reviews. The film does have its supporters, so I’m going to post 3 of those and then 3 negative reviews.


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