Natalie Related News

Hola Chica

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Stefan found scans of a Natalie appearance in the April edition of
El Pais Semanal, a Spanish magazine. The photos aren’t new, but they might be different enough to be of interest to some. Enjoy.

The rest of the scans are after the jump.


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Couple More Thor Reviews

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Thor is still pulling in positive reviews and currently holds a 94% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I would imagine that would came down at least 10% when the full gamut of reviews arrive, but that’s still excellent going.

Obsessed With Film give Thor 3 and a half stars, but the review comes across even more positively than that.

It’s hugely entertaining, visually stunning, absorbing, and action-packed, and when Thor finally regains his power and summons a cascade of lightning it’s not just a moment of character regaining his destiny, but also of Hemsworth earning the right to wear the costume, no questions asked.

Portman and Skarsgård are naturally faultless in roles that require game participation more than heavyweight performance.


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Sexy Atheist

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It's interesting that Atheist Connect have named Natalie their 3rd hottest atheist woman. I'm an atheist myself but I'm not sure I've ever thought of Natalie as one. She's certainly…

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NYC Candids

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Celebrity-Gossip has a new set of candids from earlier this morning. If you're keen, click on the image below. If you're not, simply walk on.

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Bryce Dallas Howard (Spiderman 3, The Village, Ron Howard's penis) has always come across as one of Natalie's closer celebrity friends, with the two of them having attended Stagedoor Manor…

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