Thor Box Office Predictions are suggesting that Thor might pull in $68 million this weekend, while Boxofficemojo are saying $65 million. I've got no idea about weekend but I did vaguely predict $150-$200…
Natalie Related News are suggesting that Thor might pull in $68 million this weekend, while Boxofficemojo are saying $65 million. I've got no idea about weekend but I did vaguely predict $150-$200…
Here comes another eclectic batch of mini updates. - Director of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies talks about how things are coming along and why he wanted to do the…
Yesterday we had Maxim's list (with Nat at #8) and now FHM have released their 100 sexiest list for 2011. Seems a better list to me, although Natalie is down…
We haven’t really posted a hell of a lot of Thor reviews, so with the film opening tomorrow I thought I’d go ahead and put up a batch to get you in the mood…or reset your expectations accordingly.
So we’re going to start with two positive reviews. The two so-so reviews. And finally two pan level reviews.
– EW’s Owen Glieberman gave the film an A- rating.
Yet Thor turns its hero’s confusion — about who he is, where he belongs, and why he has these..feelings for Portman’s feisty Jane Foster — into touchingly overscaled coming-of-age kicks. It’s not art, but it’s mighty fun.
– Next up is an 8.5/10 review from Superherohype.
Natalie Portman also delivers a strong performance as Jane Foster. What I like about her is that Jane is a competent, intelligent, driven physicist. Yet when she’s in the presence of Thor, she occasionally loses her composure; she’s flustered and even giggly. Her attraction for Thor throws her for a loop and this normally-composed woman doesn’t know how to react. That makes her more realistic, relatable, and fun.
Overexposure, bare chests and ass kissing in today's batch of mini updates. - Stellan Skarsgard talks about Natalie being a big reason for him signing on to do Thor. "It’s…
I’m sure a number of you are really excited about the complete Star Wars saga coming to Bluray in September (pre order here: Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [Blu-ray] ) and now details on all the special features have been released. It’s a Jabba sized batch so I’ll include it all after the jump.
I've updated the gallery with some more candid photos from Monday of Natalie leaving the Greenwich Hotel in Tribeca. She was spotted again the following day out running errands.
Maxim have produced their Hot 100 list for 2011, and Natalie came in at 8th place. Fellow Black Swan alum, Mila Kunis, was a few spots higher in 5th position.…