Natalie Related News

The Other Poster

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The Other Woman/Love And Other Impossible Pursuits is certainly no stranger to different posters and below we have another new one from Mexico. The title translates to "A Love That…

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Thor Radio Interviews

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As with Your Highness, given Natalie’s pregnancy she’s not able to do the normal promotional stuff. But actors need to support their films, so she’s once again hit the radio shows to promote Thor.

Let’s start off with the most interesting interview – Mojo In The Morning. They get Nat to talk about her butt, about how she still maintains that she doesn’t know the sex of her baby…she even comments on the dance double situation and stands up for Sarah Lane a bit.

Next up is the kinda annoying Phil and Young Ron Show. It takes a few minutes before Natalie calls in, the host from The Amazing Race joins in and they play a gag on Natalie.


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I hope you’re all treating your mothers well today. Below are a few articles about a soon to be mother. Happy reading.

The first article is an extended Q&A from the Marie Claire SA interview, where Natalie expressed not liking coffee. Below is an excerpt about her favourite cites.

What are your favourite cities in the United States?
New York and LA are obviously favourites. But Austin, Texas, is really special, along with Santa Fe and New Orleans. And I do love Cincinnati, where my grandmother now lives and my mother used to live when she was younger.

In Europe?
Paris and Berlin would probably be my favourites.

What about Asia?
I love the Japanese countryside. Tokyo is amazing, but it is a little too much for me. I would say the same about China where I love the rural areas most, such as Lijiang and Guilin.


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It seems a bit pointless for most of us, but if you're a new Natalie fan you might appreciate this video tour through her career. It's just under 5 minutes…

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