Natalie Related News

Mars Attacks: 25th Anniversary

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Today is the 25th anniversary of the American release of Mars Attacks, Tim Burton’s movie with the most brilliant and extensive cast of stars, including a very young Natalie in a small role playing the daughter of “President” Jack Nicholson (it is ironic that, at the end of the film, she becomes the president of the US in a way). Here are a few pictures of Natalie during the premiere of the film in Los Angeles:


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First Look at Natalie as Mighty Thor?

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A Thor Love and Thunder poster has surfaced online, and many sites are echoing it. If it’s a legitimate piece of marketing, we could be looking at Natalie’s first real image as The Mighty Thor.

Update 1: Taika Waititi debunked alleged leaked poster in twitter message.

Update 2; The direct webpage claims to have verified with Pyramid International that the poster is real


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Natalie’s New Instagram Account: Natsbookclub

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Surprisingly, Natalie has opened a second instagram account today called Natsbookclub, in which she has collected some of the conversations with book authors that she made on the main account. The premiere has also been accompanied by a new talk with Sigrid Nuñez, the writer of the April book pick: What Are You Going Through. The link is after the jump:


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New Angel City F.C. Promo

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The debut of Angel City F.C. In the American women’s soccer league is very close (next year 2022), and today we have a new promo in which we can briefly see Natalie and the other investors opening a surprise box announcing something for tomorrow Wednesday. What will it be? We will know in a few hours …


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