Natalie Related News


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Let's kick off the day with a new batch of mini updates. Did you know that mini updates are the 3rd greatest producer of oxygen, behind phytoplankton and trees? Fact!…

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Black Swan Photo And Interview

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Rachel found this gorgeous photo of a costume fitting on Black Swan, and I don’t think she’s used it yet…so I’m going to steal it. Suck on that, Rachel!

Accompanying that, we have an interview with Natalie for the DVD launch in the UK. A lot of the quotes have been seen before but there’s some good new stuff (to me at least) in there as well.

On why working so hard the last couple years was partly a mistake:

It’s been a very strange time in the film industry where things fall apart. This film only had its financing for real only two weeks after we started shooting. It was always going to happen, then kept falling apart. Shooting was delayed four or five times. Films rarely come together. I committed to things that I really liked, but none of which were really solid, except for Thor. Thor was the only one that was really happening, and then everything happened. Every film got financed. So I ended up doing four films in a row – and this was the second. It…won’t happen again!


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Just two tidbits today but they're goodies. - First up, my man crush Joseph Gordon-Levitt, has some really nice things to say about Natalie in this new Huffington Post piece.…

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Hesher Megapost

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I've got a few different Hesher related news items and I thought I might as well put them all together in one update. Hesher opens in limited release this Friday.…

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